La marca Ashdown
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Guía de compra de amplificadores de guitarra
Amplificador de válvulas, amplificador de transistores, ¿cómo elegir tu amplificador de guitarra eléctrica? ¡Sigue la guía de compra de Star's Music!
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Cabezal para guitarra eléctrica
Step into a world of sonic excellence with the Ashdown Peacemaker 2 Head, meticulously crafted in the UK to deliver unparalleled tone and performance.
Representing the pinnacle of amplifier innovation, this amplifier combines classic design elements with modern features to meet the demands of today's discerning musicians.
Representing the pinnacle of amplifier innovation, this amplifier combines classic design elements with modern features to meet the demands of today's discerning musicians.
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Ficha técnica
- Custom shop No
- potencia de amplificador para guitarra De 0 a 29 watts
- Potencia en vatios 2 watts
- Tecnología Válvulas
- Tipo de Custom shop No
- Single Channel Pre Amplifier With Two Voiced Inputs
- Dark & Light Voicing for US/UK Styles Tones
- 2 x JJ Electronics ECC83 Preamplifier Tube
- Bass, Middle, Treble and Controls
- Gain & Volume Controls
- Headphone Output
- Up to 2 Watts Output from 1 x JJ Electronics 6v6 Valve
- 8-16 Ohm Output
- Birch Plywood, Tolex Covered Classically Styled Cabinet
- Weight: 7.5kg
- Dimensions: 220mm x 405mm x 190mm