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Pedal overdrive / distorsión / fuzz
The OVERDRIVE+ DARK is a pedal offered by the Silktone brand.
The Overdrive+ is a unique circuit offering a diverse range of sounds, both familiar and unique, from a low-gain always-on tone amplifier to a high-gain machine for solos. Thanks to a combination of JFETs, op amps and a few diodes, it covers a wide sonic range.
The op-amp is used for gain and buffering, and operates at around 30 volts, ensuring that it never clips, even with another pedal upstream. Cutting is exclusively carried out by JFETs or diodes.
In addition to the standard VOL, TONE, and GAIN controls, it features a bass cutoff switch for tighter sound, as well as a clipping mode switch for switching between balanced or asymmetrical clipping styles (the symmetrical being softer, the asymmetrical more natural and textured).
Where it really becomes interesting is with the Strangle/Raw boost function, the real “added value” of the Overdrive+. This is a very colorful dirty boost that adds gain and strong 2nd harmonic distortion to the signal. STRANGLE mode uses a resonant filter for a subtle wah-wah effect, while RAW mode removes this filter for a full boost.
The Overdrive+ is a unique circuit offering a diverse range of sounds, both familiar and unique, from a low-gain always-on tone amplifier to a high-gain machine for solos. Thanks to a combination of JFETs, op amps and a few diodes, it covers a wide sonic range.
The op-amp is used for gain and buffering, and operates at around 30 volts, ensuring that it never clips, even with another pedal upstream. Cutting is exclusively carried out by JFETs or diodes.
In addition to the standard VOL, TONE, and GAIN controls, it features a bass cutoff switch for tighter sound, as well as a clipping mode switch for switching between balanced or asymmetrical clipping styles (the symmetrical being softer, the asymmetrical more natural and textured).
Where it really becomes interesting is with the Strangle/Raw boost function, the real “added value” of the Overdrive+. This is a very colorful dirty boost that adds gain and strong 2nd harmonic distortion to the signal. STRANGLE mode uses a resonant filter for a subtle wah-wah effect, while RAW mode removes this filter for a full boost.
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Ficha técnica
- Effect: Overdrive
- Made in the USA
- Strangle/raw boost
- Low gain to ripping high gain
- Current draw: ~30mA
- 9V power jack (center negative)
- Built with top quality components